[LUAU] You know this world famous hacker?

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Thu Nov 3 11:08:50 PST 2005

> Jim -- who won't admit that he has a complete 'brick' of TAP and a Bud set 
> somewhere, or that he ever got TAP in the mail while he was in Jr. High, 
> (likely putting him on the FBI watch list for life) or that he once, back 
> when computers consumed his life, coded a DSP to generate not only a 
> "complete" set of blue, red and black boxes, but also one end of a UUCP

Phrack magazine published some code to generate (encode) and detect
(decode) DTMF tones: http://www.phrack.org/show.php?p=50&a=13
The code detected "blue box" MF, but didn't generate them (although
its fairly easy to modify it to add that functionality).

Tim Newsham

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