[luau] Fedora Install

John S. Johnson jsj at amagata.com
Thu Feb 5 23:02:00 PST 2004

I have some Fedora questions. I am setting up a box with Fedora Core 1 and am running into some problems. I configured my box to run httpd and telnet, but I am unable to connect to either service. TCP/IP is working fine, but telnetting to the box gets a refused connection. Running redhat-conf-securitylevel it seems everything is selected properly, but I still can't connect. Turning off the firewall seems to do no good as well. Another interesting point is that when I run up2date, I get a message while downloading kernel source that says the source package is either corrupt or has been tampered with. I am not in front of the box and don't have the exact message, but should this sound familiar, I would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance!



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