[luau] Saving in /home

tom_gordon at notes.k12.hi.us tom_gordon at notes.k12.hi.us
Tue Sep 30 11:19:01 PDT 2003

I might have something written in C just for this purpose.

It uses the /etc/group (for group members) and /etc/passwd (for home dirs) 
and symlinks into the teacher's ~/students

it would run like this:

linkstud group teacher

Tell me if your interested in something like this.


Please respond to luau at videl.ics.hawaii.edu
Sent by:        luau-admin at videl.ics.hawaii.edu
To:     <luau at videl.ics.hawaii.edu>
Subject:        Re: [luau] Saving in /home

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 tom_gordon at notes.k12.hi.us wrote:

> How are you going to manage all these links?
> If, say, the students were in the same gid as the teacher you could
> script it all to be automatic without the need for an outside database
> or constant management outside adding/removing users.

Yes, I'd like to script it once I figure out what to script. I'm still
trying to get a handle on all this. I've only been in the shell for a few
weeks. Still a Linux infant.

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