[luau] Map network drive in 2000

Michael_Bishop/FARRINCS/HIDOE at notes.k12.hi.us Michael_Bishop/FARRINCS/HIDOE at notes.k12.hi.us
Wed Sep 24 18:04:00 PDT 2003

Have you tried mapping it to the IP address? I find that WINS/DNS
resolution doesn't always work well.

For example I map drive R to \\\public

It may also be the kind of security setup on the Samba server.

Google shows...

Ricky Bryce said:
> Is anyone running Samba on a Linux machine, and trying to access a share
> from Windows 2000?  I have been working with this for 2 days, and I got
> SWAT to work just fine, and I can see the Linux machine in Network
> Neighborhood, but when I double click the machine to get to the share
> level, I get a message that the network path is invalid.  I also tried
> this on an NT 4.0 machine and I get the same results.  If you have had
> the same problem, please let me know!

I have samba set up on various systems being accessed from every
version of Windows from 95 on up.  Everything works great.

If you want user-level security, you will need to enable password
encryption on the samba side *or* hack the registry on every Windows
box.  (Find the file ENCRYPTION.txt in the samba docs for more

If you don't care about security (if the shares on a box are going to
be wide open), then it might be simpler to just set samba for
share-level security.

I've also found that it often makes life easier to force the samba box
to be the master browser by setting "local master = yes", "os level =
33" (or some higher number),  and "preferred master = yes".  (Set all
that, then restart samba.)  If you can see the box in the Network
Neighborhood browse list, this *probably* isn't a problem.

Good luck.


Nakashima <pnakashi at k12.hi.us>@videl.ics.hawaii.edu on 09/24/2003 05:12:33

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Sent by:    luau-admin at videl.ics.hawaii.edu

To:    LUAU List <luau at videl.ics.hawaii.edu>

Subject:    [luau] Map network drive in 2000

Hi all,
I'm having trouble getting a Win 2000 desktop to map a network drive
(Linux share). I can do it in Win 98SE and Win NT. What's different in Win

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