[luau] version question

Charles Lockhart lockhart at jeans.ifa.hawaii.edu
Fri Sep 19 14:28:01 PDT 2003

> RH re-wrote many (all?) of their proprietary config tools.  The rpm
> packages have names of the form redhat-config-*.  Try this at the shell
> prompt:
> 	rpm -qa | grep ^redhat-config-
> There will probably be qutie a few, unless somehow you didn't install
> them.  

Thanks, I'll look at that.

> What you once knew as Xconfigurator is now redhat-config-xfree86.

as far as I could tell, Xconfigurator != redhat-config-xfree86.  I did a 
full install of RH9 on a machine with a pretty crappy graphics card. 
When I rebooted, the video was all screwed up.  I tried running the 
r*-c*-x*86, from the cmd line, but it started up in the same graphics 
mode that wasn't working.  I mean, I fixed the problem by editing the 
config file, but I'd rather not do that.  I'm lazy.

> I honestly don't know what your system(s) could be lacking.  I
> personally prefer my own distro, LFS style (www.linuxfromscratch.org),
> because commercial distros can become a headache with one upgrade.  LFS
> is a great learning experience, too, if sufficient time is available.

I run lfs on a different machine.  It's cool.  But some software and 
hardware we use isn't supported for anything but RH.



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