[luau] Num Lock

Tom_Gordon/RISE/HIDOE at notes.k12.hi.us Tom_Gordon/RISE/HIDOE at notes.k12.hi.us
Tue Oct 28 11:42:01 PST 2003

I've researched three methods:

1) http://mirrors.domainnet.dk/ltsp/setnumlock.tar.gz has directions and 
code for compiling and using a program called "setnumlock" to set the 
numlock in X.

2) put this in your /home/username/.Xmodmap for every applicable user or 
user template:

keycode 79=7
keycode 80=8
keycode 81=9

keycode 83=4
keycode 84=5
keycode 85=6

keycode 86=plus
keycode 87=1
keycode 88=2
keycode 89=3

keycode 90=0
keycode 91=period 

3) edit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/types/basic and change the KEYPAD section 
to look like this:

type "KEYPAD" {
   modifiers = Shift+NumLock;
        map[None] = Level2;
        map[Shift] = Level1;
        map[NumLock] = Level1;
        map[Shift+NumLock] = Level2;
        level_name[Level2] = "Base";
        level_name[Level1] = "Number";

The drawback of 2 and 3 is the Num Lock LED is also reversed.  Your file 
locations and names may vary because your using thin clients but it's all 
the same software.

Have fun, if you dare!

I noticed KDE has a one-line configuration option for the numlock state :o

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