[luau] Re: Graphic art design

R. Scott Belford sctinc at flex.com
Thu Oct 17 09:53:01 PDT 2002

On Thursday 17 October 2002 09:34 am, Neal & Gay Timon wrote:

> I was also considering asking about hiring someone to help me (you students
> must still be hungry and need money).  That isn't my idea of spam, but it
> may not be something you want on this group.  Perhaps you would rather just
> reply that this group discourages that sort of request and suggest an
> alternative.

As a community very anxious to see newcomers like your self appreciate the 
joys and challenges of running linux, I must say that we are in desperate 
need of  list policy clarification.  I am certain that this will be done in 
the next few days.  I am personally drafting our often talked about never 
completed list policy that I hope many will chew on and improve.

For a person like yourself, there is no legitimate path of communication to 
reach our linux community except for the LUAU mailing list.  I personally do 
not have a problem with someone asking if there is help on the list.  This is 
not of the same class of "spam" as posting to the list asking us to purchase 
diet pills.  If your spam consists of trying to give money to the local 
community for help, then we need to find a way to digest this spam.

I incorporated a business in Georgia years ago that I may finally "launch" 
here.  Maybe it will help.  The model is of an employee owned computer 
service company.  It can co-exist quite peacefully with LUGs (linux user 
groups).  A person like yourself requests help on the company's site, and 
registered "technicians" bid on it.  You can take the first bid or the 
lowest, depending on your rush.  You pay the service, the service pays the 
"technician" about 90% and keeps the little amount for overhead.  Every 
"technician" is an owner in the company proportional to the business they 
bring in, and as such have a proportional say over how the 10% is allocated.  
As an Open Sourced business utilizing my principles of the Democratization of 
Capitalism, all financial decisions are in the open and can be publicly 
decided.  Anyhow, just a tangent, but it may help in the future.

In my humble opinion, it is okay to politely post your request for help.  

R. Scott Belford

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