[luau] Programming Skill, a response

W. Wayne Liauh LiauhW001 at Hawaii.rr.com
Sat May 25 12:18:00 PDT 2002

I consider you an idiot, or at least a "legally illiterate".

Most good open-sourced programs are GPL'd under the GNU/GPL license. 
 You copy any part of the GPL'd code which is not part of public 
knowledge or cannot be easily derived from public knowledge, then you 
have to open-source your own code.

Because of this restriction, Open Source actually promotes rewriting of 
the code, forcing programmers, if they do not want their code to be 
open-sourced, to carefully examine what the code is actually doing. 
 Copyright, under which software code is protected, protects expression, 
it does not protect the function provided by the code.

Yes, there are strong reasons for many application programs to kept 
proprietary.  However, contrary to your naivete, open source actually 
promotes innovation and creativity.

498 out of 500 programmers lack programming skills.  Who is to blame?  I 
am sure you cannot see it because your brain is full of the same stuff 
as that filling the bottom of my septic tank.

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