Grateful Dead Lyricist Condemns New Copyright Law

Warren Togami warren at
Wed Feb 27 01:22:38 PST 2002

Grateful Dead Lyricist Condemns New Copyright Law

"SAN JOSE, Calif. (Reuters) - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (news -
web sites), which has been used to jail a Russian software programmer and
stifle Web sites, is threatening the free flow of information, civil
libertarians say. Their struggle, which will eventually determine the course
of how people view movies, read books and use other material over the
Internet, has attracted luminaries like Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry
Barlow. Barlow, a co-founder of the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier
Foundation, has been at the forefront of protecting individual freedoms
online as the Internet matured from the anarchistic electronic playground of
a decade ago to the pervasive, regulated marketplace it is today."

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