Extreme Tech: Lycoris Linux Reviewed

Warren Togami warren at togami.com
Wed Feb 27 00:55:55 PST 2002

Extreme Tech: Lycoris Linux Reviewed

Be sure to check out their screenshots.

"I first became interested in Redmond Linux, now officially known as Lycoris
Desktop/LX, back in January, when a new release of the distro was officially
announced. I must admit that I wasn't expecting much more than an imitation
of other distros, combined with an attempt at Windows XP graphics. To my
surprise, I soon found myself using a tailored Linux operating system that
was anything but that. As Joseph Cheek, CTO and founder of Lycoris Corp.
stated in an interview he gave in December of last year, 'Too many times
people think that the answer to software usability lies in more software. We
disagree with the 'This doesn't work, so let's add something else' attitude.
The answer lies in making the same software more useable.' I must say
Lycoris has succeeded with Lycoris Desktop/LX."

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