PC WORLD: Linux for Month, Cold Turkey

Warren Togami warren at togami.com
Tue Oct 9 02:32:06 PDT 2001


Learning to love the penguin
I set out to use nothing but Linux for a month. Cold turkey.
by Geoff Palmer

Wow.  PC World with a clueful tech writer, singing the praises of Linux
Mandrake.  I'm impressed.

A few quotes:
I wonder idly why schools don't get into Linux. It runs on anything from a
386 up and for the cost of a year's software licences they could train all
their staff to a high degree of proficiency then forget about licensing
costs forever. No doubt they've been sucked into the argument that certain
brands of word processor and particular web browsers are fundamentally
different from all the rest, in the same way that using a Stanley hammer is
quite different from handling a cheap one from The Warehouse.

You can see why Microsoft is worried. Linux has become so commonplace that
the sheer audacity of the project tends to get overlooked. In one of the
most relentlessly profit-driven periods in our history, a bunch of folk have
got together to spend millions of hours producing something that is then
given away.


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