We'll fork the Web to keep it Free - Perens

Brian Russo brusso at phys.hawaii.edu
Sun Oct 7 06:33:25 PDT 2001

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 03:14:59AM -1000, Warren Togami wrote:
> outrage.  Unlike the DMCA and SSSCA, we can't threaten our elected
> representatives with losing our vote if they support RAND.

Not that our "elected representatives" usually listen to us anyway.
What does that say about chances with industry?

> The scary thing is... IBM supports RAND.  This tremendously weakens our
> arguments.  Perhaps IBM does not realize that it would become ILLEGAL to
> implement Open Source versions of W3C RAND standards due to patent reasons.

Clearly a question of whether to continue milking the cow or butcher it
for them, I guess they think they can make a lot of money from WWW patents.

> (On a somewhat related note, IBM supports the Canadian DMCA currently in
> bill form.  WTF?)

IBM also supports TCPA, and remember.. they were the ones promoting

Unix Staff, High Energy Physics Group   <brusso at phys.hawaii.edu>
Debian/GNU Linux! http://www.debian.org <wolfie at debian.org>

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