
jay jay at
Mon May 21 15:06:58 PDT 2001

On 21 May 2001, Dusty wrote:

> For the assessing Redhat class I was thinking:
> Port Scanning (to show what is running on a system)
>   Nmap
>   Netcat (maybe)
>   Netstat (not a port scanner, but tells you what's running and this is really intended for someone to check their own system)

you might want to add "lsof" to that.

> Sniffing (seeing how they work and how bad plain text is)
>   tcpdump
>   ethereal
>   dsniff

maybe include something small on arpspoofing and why a switch
isn't the ultimate protection?

oh crap.  i'm late for a meeting.


"I did nothing, absolutely nothing.  And
 it was everything I thought it could be."

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