Wanted - Linux Advisors

Warren Togami warren at togami.com
Thu May 10 03:44:31 PDT 2001

These 'Advisors' are people who would be Consultants, but are too busy to do
consulting.  These 'Advisors' in their spare time answer questions from the
school tech staff and students learning Linux.  It would help our grant
writing to show that these local experts exist and are willing to help the
schools with ideas in online discussion.

You wont obligated to actually do anything, but please use some of your
spare time to help local schools learn Linux.  Even if you're too busy to
answer any questions, or you're a grumpy BOFH who rather ignore newbies,
please send your information to make our list look bigger. =)

1) Name
2) Phone numbers
2) Company/Position
4) A little blurb about your Linux experience

Warren Togami
warren at togami.com

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