Samba Daemon dying(please change thread topic)

Julio C. Gutierrez gutierrej001 at
Wed Jul 25 12:42:44 PDT 2001

On Thursday 26 July 2001 01:22 am, you wrote:
> Please try Squirrel Mail.  I truly believe it has major benefits over
> SqWebMail, and it would be a very attractive feature for OBS.  
> Installation should be very easy too, as long as you have IMAP working
> properly.

 Hi  Ho'ala & Warren thank you for all your help & recommenations but after 
installing all these other programs and having IMAP working properly, the 
samba daemon still dies,  I tried squrrel mail Sq mail and also my grandma's 
mail but the stupid samba daemon still dies.
Even after installing Reiserfs which is a powerful addition I didn't get to 
keep it running for too long ..........
Anyways I really needed help with this but you guys wanna keep discussing 
other things please change the thread name so I don't have to read all your 
posts with no help on the subject..................

Thank you very much 

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