Anyone interested in winning a slashdot t-shirt?

Ho'ala Greevy hoala at
Fri Jul 20 05:03:15 PDT 2001

here's my entry: "Whitehouse seeing DDoS"  
yea it's hokie, but it's a start.

"At this moment, there's an office somewhere in Waggener Edstrom with its
lights on and a fresh pot of coffee. Microsoft's PR firm is racking its
brains working on strategy and tactics for their phone calls tomorrow. As
of right now, hundreds of thousands of wormy Microsoft machines are
throwing packets at the Bush White House (and missing -- see below). Bill
Gates really, really doesn't want Sunday papers editorializing about how
shoddy and dangerous his security flaws are. Will billg be the hero or the
goat? Slashdot, in its fine tradition of laughing in the face of
overworked netadmins, is running a contest. Walk a mile in Waggener
Edstrom's shoes, predict the Times's headlines, and win yourself a

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