Need Opinions: Meeting Dates?

Catherine Osborne cosborne at
Sat Feb 24 18:56:51 PST 2001

> I am hoping the series will use satire as a cover to address some of the
> important issues of the day, such as the cover-up surrounding the
> structures found on the moon, or the air defense system on the mars that
> has started shooting down our probes.  NASA has kept us all in the dark
> because these things are tip-offs of their 'Sirian Agenda'  which is
> evidenced through the unlikely string of 'coincidences' that have put
> many launches on holy days from the Egyption calendar.  The fact that
> science and religion have joined forces and is masked under a veil of
> government secrecy ala NASA should be investigated, the prospects of
> this unholy trinity are frightening.  What are the goals of this state
> run techno-cult?
> Regards,
> Brian

It's quite simple. In the words of a NASA official, "All your base are belong to
us."  (You can't truly
appreciate the humor in this unless you've played Zero Wing.)

Seriously though, I can't submit my opinion here because I'm leaving the state
soon. I'm going to try to make it to a meeting or two before I leave, but I can
work my schedule around any of the aforementioned days. Surely Tuesday, Thursday,
or Saturday night conflicts with someone's schedule. Speak up, people!

    - Catherine

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