linux kernel

Robert Buecker rbuecker at
Tue Apr 24 15:29:27 PDT 2001

Ok, here's a concept I have, and I'm sure it's not anything new. If anyone
has information that can lead to successful implementation I'll be very

Basically, the problem is allowing users shell access to a linux system,
without allowing them to start any outbound tcp/ip connections that arent
listed in /etc/ports.allow (21 ncftp, 80 lynx, 110 pop3). However, there
should be a list similar to /etc/users.allow which allows other users to
initiate outbound connections on any port (be it telnet, irc, ftp, etc).

Maybe I don't have everything completely thought out, but hopefully someone
knows something already existing which could accomplish this (I'm sure it'll
wind up as a kernel patch somewhere).

Thanks for your help.


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