FTPd and Redhat 7.1 ISO

Chris Wong wongc at math.ed.hawaii.edu
Tue Apr 17 17:48:05 PDT 2001

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Warren Togami wrote:

> What FTP daemon would you guys recommend to run an anonymous FTP with user
> limit and chroot()?  I also want to limit ISO downloads only to Hawaii
> cable, and DSL providers (and any school or company network that e-mails
> me).

protftpd I think. I wouldn't trust wu-ftpd with a 10 foot pole.

Why don't you just place it in a HTTP directory and set your limits there.

Of course, good luck in finding the IP block.

> I didn't get a chance to download the Redhat ISO's yet.  If anybody can find
> some fast mirrors from Roadrunner please post here.

I won't even try for another week or so.

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