(not quite linux) PHP3 or not to PHP3?

Erich S. sharky at websharx.com
Fri Apr 13 14:18:01 PDT 2001

Hiya folks! (excuse the lame attempt at humor in subject line)

I'm starting to dork around with PHP a bit and wanted to do my own
installation on my linux box. I have the Wrox PHP programming book that
was written before PHP4 came out as a starting reference.

My question: Will most stuff out there work with PHP4 even though
originally written for PHP3? Is there any reason to install both?

I tend to be a bit conservative when playing with new version releases of
software and PHP4 seems to be a pretty recent release.

There used to be some folks on the LUAU list who met occasionally to do
PHP stuff...are they still out there? :)

Thanks in advance!


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