blocking access to directory tree.

Jack Morgan jay at
Wed Apr 25 20:07:06 PDT 2001

<Directory /whatever/directory)
Options "Anything but 'Indexes'"

I believe you can also put it in your <VirtualHost> directive within the
httpd.conf file.  More info about the Options directive can be found on the
Apache web site.  But I'm pretty sure it's the Indexes option that gives
permission to show the directory tree if no index.html file exists.

"al plant" <webmaster at> wrote in message news:1431 at luau...
> I have a client who is worried about people accessing the
> directory tree on a website. He thinks they will type in the
> url without the viewed file to see it. He heard that you can
> edit the access.conf file to eiminate this.

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