GCC 2.96 RedHat 7.0
gsublett at lava.net
gsublett at lava.net
Sun Oct 8 18:13:57 PDT 2000
A little snip from the above url follows:
It has come to our attention that some GNU/Linux distributions are
currently shipping with ``GCC 2.96''.
We would like to point out that GCC 2.96 is not a formal GCC release nor
will there ever be such a release. Rather, GCC 2.96 has been the code-
name for our development branch that will eventually become GCC 3.0.
Current snapshots of GCC, and any version labeled 2.96, produce object
files that are not compatible with those produced by either GCC 2.95.2 or
the forthcoming GCC 3.0. Therefore, programs built with these ...
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