named can't make tmpfile (db.doamin.lRaXBr): Permission denied

Mike Ballon calzonie at
Fri Dec 1 17:33:05 PST 2000

Here's one:

After making no system changes what-so-ever, I updated a zone file on my
primary dns and reloaded my secondary to pull it but the following message
was given:

can't make tmpfile (db.domain.lRaXBr): Permission denied

Now I know what that means, but I have been running the exact same way for
6+ months now and out of the blue this error comes up.  By default named
runs as nobody on the Mandrake 7.0 (bind patch 8.2.2P7) box, so by changing
the owner of /var/named to nobody it was able to load the new zone but
why???  Default permissions to /var/named were:

drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Dec  1 14:50 named/


drwxr-xr-x   2 nobody   nobody       4096 Dec  1 15:25 named/

But I'm telling you I was running the old way for months x-fer zones with no

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