[LUAU] Sendmail Strangeness

The Tuba God jhealy at wso.williams.edu
Tue Feb 23 19:58:59 PST 1999

>Try do an lsof. See exactly what's open.
>What kernel version are you running?

(jason furiously compiles a version of lsof for 2.0.36...)

lsof: kernel symbol address mismatch: disable_hlt
      get_kernel_syms() value is 0x10996c; /boot/System.map-2.0.36 value is
      There were 352 additional mismatches.
      /boot/System.map-2.0.36 and the booted kernel may not be a matched set.


Seems I have one problem after another around here...


          Jason Healy            |  "Oh my god Chris -- your buffness is
    jhealy at wso.williams.edu      |   like, poking out at me!"
http://wso.williams.edu/~jhealy  |                            - Michelle

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