[LUAU] KDE 1.1 pre2

bbraun at sparcy.synack.net bbraun at sparcy.synack.net
Sun Feb 14 11:30:09 PST 1999

On Sunday, Feb 1999 at 8:7:28 Steve Anderson wrote: 
 | I upgraded to Mandrake 5.3, and found out KDE 1.1 pre2
 | has a bug with the screen lock.  So if any of you KDE users
 | upgrade to 1.1 pre2,  you'll find that the screen lock really
 | locks you out. The only way to unlock is to reboot :(
 | I reverted to KDE 1.1 which has a "normal" screen lock.

 You can't even switch to a text console and kill it?
 What about pressing cntl-alt-bkspace to kill the X server?
 If it's on a network, you can't login to kill it remotely?
 It's pretty darn bad if you have to reboot a machine...
 <insert condecending remarks about KDE here>

 | Also, I have a question about kernel 2.2.1. Does it load
 | modules differently?  Curious before I switch.

 No.  Just make sure you have modutils 2.1.85 or whatever it is.

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