[LUAU] debian 2.1 CDs?

George Toft LinuxAdvocate at iname.com
Sun Apr 25 21:15:44 PDT 1999

Griffith Feeney wrote:
> Forgot, I've got SuSE 6.0 shrink wrap I could loan in trade (also RH5.0,
> though I don't suppose anyone would want this now).

Based on my experience and the information from Red Hat
and CERT, I wouldn't wish Red Hat 5.0 on anyone.

SuSE 6.0 is pretty broken, judging from the 2 hour (by 
cable modem!) download to fix the packages - it was
almost 400 MB of fixes.

I apologize to anyone who has the Evaluation version of
the SuSE 6.0 and will cheerfully replace it with a
version 5.3 evaluation CD.

George Toft    http://gtoft.dynip.com/LinuxAdvocate/
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