[LUAU] DRMO Web Site

George Toft LinuxAdvocate at iname.com
Sun Apr 25 20:27:05 PDT 1999

Joe Schuller wrote:
> Sorry to take so long in posting this, but life has been pretty busy
> lately.  The web page for sales catalogs is
> http://www.drms.dla.mil/catalog/official/  .  The actual sale catalog is
> this adress with the sale number appended.  One sale just ended so this
> week is a pick-up week.  Next Saturday the nexts sales catalog will be
> available, just add 57-9616.htm to the above link and print.  Most
> catalogs are about 30 pages.  Some day they will be in acrobat format,
> but don't hold your breath.

So how much does this stuff sell for?  When can we buy?

and I've got to ask: How is a monitor Y2K non-compliant?

0224 MONITORS, COMPUTER. 45 EACH.          |
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George Toft    http://gtoft.dynip.com/LinuxAdvocate/
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