[LUAU] Millenium Worm

George Toft LinuxAdvocate at iname.com
Thu Apr 15 20:44:33 PDT 1999

Anyone know anything about the Millenium Internet
Worm?  I got a nastygram from Oceanic about an
all night hack attack against another user's
computer, so I looked in my logs, and found my
system hasn't logged anything for almost a
week, and I found a new user "mw" with no
password.  So I used locate to find anything
related to mw, and found a whole package
installed in /var/named/, with a note:

# Dear Admin, if you read this file you have been 0wned
# by the Millennium Internet Worm. This is a program
# that exploits some remote bugs to gain access, installs
# itself and goes on copying itself to other systems.
# This is a modular worm, which means that other exploits
# to spawn itself can be added easily, like a frontend
# script to a sniffer. For now, this exploits
# * imap4 v10.X * qualcomm popper * bind with iquery *
# This worm is linux specific. This could be changed by
# porting the exploits and shell code to other systems.
# This means, do not expect that non-linux boxes will
# be completely unaffected by variants.
# We will now try to patch the stuff you should have
# replaced a long time ago. - Anonymous =oP~

This thing is all over my gateway, but not in
any other Linux machine.  Looking at the code, 
it looks like it scans all Class A, B, and C
addresses, but I guess I caught it before it
got up to 192.168.x.x.

Anyone want a copy of the worm (for some interesting

I guess it was time to reinstall the OS anyway.

George Toft    http://gtoft.dynip.com/LinuxAdvocate/
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